February 15, 2004


Case Report

Eyes Get Peppered With Problems

Patient develops epithelial defects when police spray him with pepper spray.

Contact Lenses

Solution Update

It’s important to know the specifics about contact lens care products on the market today. Here, we give you the basic facts on most of the lens care systems.

Dry Eye Report

Proactive Contact Lens Problem-Solving

Here’s how to differentiate allergy from dry eye and head off drop-outs before they occur.


Put Your New Pachymeter to Use

In light of OHTS, optometrists are snapping up pachymeters for glaucoma care. Now they’re finding additional uses for the instrument.

Ophthalmic Lenses

The Changing Face of Computer Vision

New studies show that CVS is a growing concern for patients, providers and even employers.

Practice Management

Hire an HR Director—Without Adding a New Employee

By outsourcing our personnel duties, we save time, trouble, and the expensive cost of health insurance.



The Mother Of All Referrals

You can refer some of the people some of the time, but you can’t refer Mom.

Clinical Quandaries

Do Dry Eye and LASIK Mix?

When are eyes too dry to refer for surgery? And what can you do for them?

Cornea and Contact Lens Q & A

Staph Infection Resists Treatment

Why is this nursing home patient’s conjunctivitis unresolved?

Diagnostic Quiz

Diagnostic Quiz Answers, February 2004

Mastoid Infection Leads to Ulcer?

Diagnostic Quiz Answers, January 2004

Is There a Pattern To the Problem?

Letters to the Editor

Meetings and Conferences


The Other Side Of the Chair

Empathy and education are critical components in doctor-patient relations.

Retina Quiz

Answers, Retina Quiz, February 2004

Light-Colored Child Raises Dark Doubts

Light-Colored Child Raises Dark Doubts

Parents of 3-year-old worry about his poor vision and eyes that ‘shake.’