Practical Guidelines for the Treatment of AMD - Sponsored by MacuLogix - October 2017

Goal of AMD Management

The goal of managing age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is to preserve visual function, including but not limited to visual acuity. To achieve this goal, proper early detection, diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment must be practiced. Currently, doctors are too passive when diagnosing and treating nonexudative AMD. Nonexudative AMD is often not diagnosed until the patient presents with drusen and visual acuity loss. By this criterion, the patient likely has had the disease for years. The patient has lost some of the potential benefits of treatment. The patient is at higher risk of central visual loss, especially in the first eye that progresses to choroidal neovascularization. Because there is no cure for AMD, the goal is to halt or slow the disease progression. Earlier detection allows earlier treatment, which leads to better patient outcomes. With proper care, significant visual acuity loss may be prevented in many patients.

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